Thursday, May 5, 2011


I fake patience well. It's easy to say I'm waiting patiently, easy to nod serenely when others ask how long... even though I'm asking the same question.

It is hard to wait. I was born impatient. Babies cry for milk, cry to be changed, cry to be held, etc. When mom doesn't come to the rescue, we cry louder.

Sometimes I wonder if God ever considered giving me a pacifier to stop my hissy fits.

We live in a fast culture, instant gratification. People have said this many times before, and it's still true. We easy bake, take out, credit card, cash now, instant play our way through life. And we wonder why our days slip through our fingers like sand.

As a kid Christmas and birthdays could never come quickly enough. I spent many hours laying on the floor paging through toy catalogues circling, initialing and starring toys that I wanted to subtly hint to Grandma, Nana, and Mom that I had something I wanted other than clothes for Christmas.

I do that with God too, I ask over and over for things. And I think that is ok. He is our Fatherand He wants to give us good things. Things like marriage, babies, homes, healed relationships, purpose, inspiration, direction are not bad.

I run into trouble though when the thing becomes the most important thing each day, the asking, the pining. When I become dissatisfied with the way things are because I want it now.

I'm impatient. Impatience leads to impulsive action. It can also lead to immobility- it can be difficult to move forward when we are impatient with God. Maybe He wants to teach us something before He brings us to our soul mate, to our first child, to our next job, to the next chapter.

Maybe our way isn't right. Maybe patience would be easy if He really was in charge. Maybe patience could allow us to live in the moment, use every second where we are for Him. Maybe we could stop looking around the corner and see the flowers, the birds, the sky, the grass where we are now.

"Taste and see that the Lord is good."

Even though many things in this life require waiting, most good things really do... the best thing is always available. Jesus.

"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with Me." Revelation 3:20

Jesus has waited patiently for you. Come to Him, sit at His feet and wait patiently before Him. He is worth everything.

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