Wednesday, September 29, 2010

i will be grateful

Yesterday I had a serious case of the down in the dumps. Work wasn't bad, the day wasn't awful. I was just low. This is usually a sure sign that I need to be closer to God. And, as usual, that was true.

Today I started the day following more faithfully. And it made all the difference. I felt joyful, and grateful. Here are a few things I am grateful for:

1. I am grateful to be alive, talking, and walking.
2. I am grateful that God never gives up on me.
3. I am grateful to have an understanding and ever loving husband.
4. I am grateful for our wonderful families.
5. I am grateful for friends.
6. I am grateful for art projects.
7. I am grateful for food on the table.
8. I am grateful for beautiful weather.
9. I am grateful for music.

This list goes on, but I know that it is important for me to stop, breathe, and reflect upon the beautiful things that God has given me and my loved ones. It's definitely something to sing about. What are you grateful for today?

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